A.: Actually the people at Subroutine thought of it. They saw us (Spilt Milk, red.) perform North American Hamsters at Eurosonic and thought it would be cool to have a Facebook event where everybody would change their profile picture to their neutral facial expression for a week.
Q.: Like changing your Facebook profile picture to your favourite cartoon character for a week.
A.: Yes. That would be Charlie Brown, btw.
Q.: But instead your face expressing neutrality. And when will this be?
A.: This will be from January 31 to February 6. Of course people can change their profile picture right now, that way they'll be ready when the big day comes (laughs).
Q.: And why would they do this?
A.: I don't know. The press statement says it's to "celebrate the Subbacultcha! release of a booklet by Tao Lin containing the chapters which 'inspired' the two Spilt Milk songs that you can download using a url and download code in the booklet." One of the songs features a chorus with the line "I have a neutral facial expression" which 'inspired' all this. If it catches on maybe we'll do another booklet with all the photo's or something. I guess it would be nice to be part of a community of people with neutrally expressed facial features and, if this community gets big enough, part of a booklet.
Q.: But is it art?
A.: Again, I don't know. It seemed like a good idea at the time, appropiate to Tao's work and the songs. I hope people will see the humor or something and join in this pointless thing of beauty.
Q.: (laughs) Anything else?
A.: We'll probably be doing stickers or something that we'll send out to the participants. We'll have a small release party for the booklet at the Subbacultcha! office february 4. You can get a photo of your NFE taken then as well, and maybe you'll get a sticker. Untill then, send us your photo's at ihaveaneutralfacialexpression at gmail dot com, or post them on the IHANFE facebook page, and join the IHANFE online revolution (laughs).
Q.: Thanks for the interview.
A.: You're welcome.
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